"Father's Day Flop" at Wet'n Wild Emerald Pointe

DATE: Saturday, June 16 (Father’s Day)

TIME: 2pm – 3pm

LOCATION: Shipwreck Cove Pool, Wet’n Wild Emerald Pointe

EVENT SPONSORS: Wet’n Wild Emerald Pointe and KISS-100.3FM

EVENT HOST: Keith Allen with KISS-100.3FM

DESCRIPTION: Fun-filled Father’s Day diving contest for “fathers only” to perform the best “flop dive” from the ship in the Shipwreck Cove Pool (one dive for each father from “the ship” located in the middle of the pool). Pre-determined judges will score each dive and prizes will be awarded for 1st Place, 2nd Place and 3rd Place (see prize descriptions listed below).

REGISTRATION: Fathers who wish to compete in the “Father’s Day Flop” on Sunday, June 16th, 2019 from 2pm until 3pm may sign up on event day at the Fathers Day Flop Registration Booth located at the park Main Entrance beginning at 10:00am. Registration is open to the first 20 fathers who register (registration will be closed after 20 participants have registered) and the 20 participants will receive free park admission for the day. All participants will be required to sign an event Waiver/Release Form before participating.

PRIZES (3): First Place-$500.00 (VISA Gift Card) and 4 Super Saver Season Passes!

Second Place-$200.00 (VISA Gift Card) and 10 good any day Wet’n Wild tickets!

Third Place-$100.00 (VISA Gift Card) and 4 good any day Wet’n Wild tickets!

(Prizes will be awarded following the conclusion of the last participant dive)

JUDGES: One member-Wet’n Wild senior management team

One member-KISS-100.3FM staff

One member-Local television station on-air personality (to be determined)

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